Consumption set X=R+n. A bundle x=(x1,…,xn)∈X where xi is the amount of good i.
Preference Relation
x⪰x′ means x is at least as good as x′.
- Completeness: any bundles can be compared x⪰x′ or x′⪰x.
- Transitivity: If x⪰x′ and x′⪰x′′, then x⪰x′′.
Axioms 1 and 2 together gets x∼x′ if x⪰x′ and x′⪰x, and x≻x′ if x⪰x′ and ¬(x′⪰x). This defines the following sets:
- ∼(x)={x′∈X∣x∼x′}
- ⪰(x)={x′∈X∣x⪰x′}
- Strict Monotonicity: If x>>x′ then x≻x′, and if x≥x′ then x⪰x′
- Continuity: ⪰(x) and ⪯(x) are closed (i.e., ≻(x) and ≺(x) are opened)
Axioms 1 through 4 allows for preference relations to be represented by an Utility Function:
If ⪰ satisfies Axioms 1 through 4, then there exists a continuos utility function U:Rn→R representing ⪰.