July 12, 2024
Tree is a connected graph without any cycles - i.e., it is a connected acyclic graph. A disjoint union of trees is called a forest.
Leaf of a tree is a vertex with a degree of .
If is a tree with and , then .
Application example: setting a network. If you want to make route decisions you want to reduce a graph to a tree to get rid of redundant routes. Spanning tree is a subgraph of a graph that connects all of its vertices. The spanning tree of a graph contains the minimum number of edges to keep the graph connected.
A spanning subgraph of graph is a subgraph with vertex set , and the spanning graph doesn't need to be connected.
There are many algorithms to compute a spanning tree for a connected graph, e.g., vertex-centric algorithm. On the other hand, minimum spanning tree is the spanning tree with the minimum sum of edge weights. The Kruskal's Algorithm is used the go to algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree.